Parents Forum Handbook

Our Parents Forum events help large groups of parents to plan their child’s education. In 2020 we moved the talks entirely online, developed new formats and partnerships and established a weekly programme.

Forum events are delivered online, at live events and at our shows. In 2021 the weekly online programme of events will continue. As restrictions ease we will re-introduce a full programme of live events, featuring more talks and speakers than ever before.

This page introduces the different kinds of events we run and will help you find out how your school can take part. Please do get in touch with any questions.

Joanne & the Parents Forum team

INTO Parent Forums

The INTO series enables parents worldwide to visit schools and see them in action.

Download further information:

London Parents Forum

The London Parents Forum, organised by Bonas MacFarlane, features leading educationalists, schools and universities.

Parents Forum Finance

The Parents Forum Finance, organised in partnership with Brewin Dolphin, helps parents to manage school fees and enhance their financial well-being.

INTO Parents Forum

The INTO Parents Forum provides a highly efficient way for parents to focus their school search. In an hour we visit eight to ten schools in a region and see them in action.

GSG Parents Forum

The Good Schools Guide Parents Forum provides parents with an independent, objective view of the sector.

Leaders Forum

Run with the Independent Schools Council, the Leaders Forum gives parents a unique opportunity to meet and question the sector’s leadership.

Our Audience

Information seekers


# children seeking independent school places 

The vast majority of families (78%) attending Parents Forum events are looking for independent school places for one or two children.

These parents seek information. At the event they ask questions, and afterwards they download handouts and prospectuses. Most events generate 100-300 downloads per school/speaker, which is why we enourage schools taking part to provide a PDF.

Downloads per event

Downloads per eventdata collected 1 February 2021

Downloads produced by schools have ranged from letters, to event specific flyers to digital copies of the prospectus.

Browse the past events progamme to watch the Forums and see what other schools have produced.


Location of UK audience

85% of families attending the Parent Forum events live in the UK. They come from all regions, but the vast majority live inside the M25 and are weighing up staying in the city versus moving out.

There is also a significant international audience, who use the Parents Forum programme to deepen their knowledge of British schools and create shortlists of schools.

The 10:30am time slot works because it suits parents from the Far East as well as UK parents, who have finished the school-run.



London Parents Forum




Both our online and live panels enable parents to have their specific questions answered by school leaders and leading thinkers in British education.

Meet the Team

Joanne MacAlesher
Joanne MacAlesherGroup Marketing

t: +44 (0) 20 3489 1908
m: +44 (0) 7801 854020

I co-ordinate the marketing of show events and am your principle point of contact for the Parents Forum events programme.

Ben Hitchman
Ben HitchmanShow

t: +44 (0) 203 301 0299
m: +44 (0) 7878 337245

I oversee the London show and am your principal point of contact for the British Boarding Schools Shows.

David Wellesley Wesley
David Wellesley WesleyShow

+44 (0) 20 3301 0299

I founded the Show in 2006 and oversee all aspects of its operation.

Guy Schady-Beckett
Guy Schady-BeckettResearch &

Please contact me about visitor data & partnerships.

Maximising views

All Parent Forum events are available to watch again.

The recordings have a signficant afterlife, watched by many more parents than attended the live event.



We encourage all participating schools to add  "watch again" banners to their website.
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